Thank You for the Fabulous Award! I was kindly given this award by, Kathie from KathieB's Minis, Karin from mini ramblings & musings, De, over at De~lightful Minis, and Brenda, from Brenda's Minitures! They all have Fabulous blogs too!
The rules state that I must list 5 things that I'm addicted to, and pass the award along to 5 blogs I admire, and they must do the same. There are so many great blogs out there it is hard to choose, So here goes, I could only come up with 15 blogs........
Five of my addictions:
1. Miniatures (that was a given)
2. Blogging
3. Coffee AND Pepsi
4. Red Vines Licorice
5. My Boston Terriers, Boomer & Bodhi
I would like to pass this award on to the following Fabulous blogs;
The Fabulous Farmhouse
Sasha's Mini World
Tiny Delights
Itty Bitty Things
George the Miniguy
Never Enough Time
Miniaturen by Helena
Uneek Musings
Silke´s Witches
J Lil Roomer
3 days ago
Well done for your award.
I keep checking back on your fab blog to see whats new.
I had a go at the recent teapot tutorial and failed but its come in useful for making some of my other bits and bobs.
Thank you for the award, that was so nice of you ! It made my day! I enjoy your lovely blog also!
Thank you so much for the award. Vielen Dank für diesen Award. Ich habe mich riesig darüber gefreut! Wenn er nicht von Dir gekommen wäre, hätte ich ihn bestimmt Dir weitergegeben!
I was surprised and delighted by your recognition. Thank you! I'm not sure how/where you find all these videos, but it's a kick to view them here. Thanks for doing the research to find and share them.
Thank you for this Award.
Ich hoffe, ich habe alles richtig gemacht. Und ich freue mich, dass noch eine deutschsprachige Seite dabei war. Nun fühle ich mich nicht mehr so allein.....
Thank you soooo much ! I just discovered this award given from you ! I don´t know why but I didn´t get emails when a comment was made. Thank you !!!
There is an award for you waiting on my blog - please visit an pick up.
Thank you for following my blog and thank you for sharing the videos and tutorials with us.
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