The 68 Thorne Miniature Rooms enable one to glimpse elements of European interiors from the late 13th century to the 1930s and American furnishings from the 17th century to the 1930s. Painstakingly constructed on a scale of one inch to one foot, these fascinating models were conceived by Mrs. James Ward Thorne of Chicago and constructed between 1932 and 1940 by master craftsmen according to her specifications.
Video provided by: Le Room Boxes di Ileana Ottini
The Thorne Rooms
Fran' Miniatures
Handmade doll's house miniatures by artisan, Frances Knight.
Video provided by: Fran's Miniatures
Killer Cabinet, England 1830
An elegant example of a dolls' house in a cabinet, made in the early 1800s and commissioned by a Manchester doctor, Dr John Killer.
Video provided by: Le Room Boxes di Ileana Ottini
The Grim Reaper's Party Boat
A very clever miniature scene created by Deb Roberts.
Video provided by: Deb's Minis
Mon Plaisir, Arnstadt (1666-1751)
"Mon Plaisir" (My Pleasure) is a baroque village in miniature. It consists of many houses, 82 rooms, and more than 400 dolls, and provides an intimate view of 18th-century life in Augustenburg Germany, detailing the reality at that time with aristocracy, middle class and farmer. Created over several decades, by Princess Dorothea of Schwarzburg-Arnstadt and her countless helpers.
Video provide by: Le Room Boxes di Ileana Ottini
Magick in Miniature
The Witch's House, The Magician's House, and Wise Ways Emporium.
Video provided by: Deb's Minis
Miniature Pharmacy
Handcrafted 1:12th Scale Miniature Pharmacy inspired by the wonderful art of Charles Wysocki.
Video provided by: YouTuber~ MiniatureCollector
The Castle by Elaine Diehl
The Dollhouse Castle was designed and created by Colorado miniaturist Elaine Diehl, who was inspired by the character of Lady Elaine and her fantasy castle in Tennysons Lady of the Lake. The Dollhouse Castle is owned by Dr. Michael Freeman and his wife Lois Freeman and is currently on loan to the Nassau County Museum of Art on Long Island New York.
Video provided by: Le Room Boxes di Ileana Ottini
Kreativ Blogger Award
Thank you Debbie, from Tiny Treasures! If you haven't been over to Debbie's blog, you are really missing out, she's a fabulous blogger and miniature maker! The Apothecary she is making, is out of this world, a must see!
The rules of this award are to list seven things I Love and then pass it on to another seven Kreativ Bloggers.
Seven things I love:
1. My husband and 4 children
2. My Boston Terriers, Boomer & Bodhi
3. My online miniature friends
4. Blogging
5. Miniature Swaps
6. Chili Burgers
7. Rob Zombie
The seven blogs I would like to give this award to:
Grace, over at TreeFeathers. I love Grace's miniature books and she always has interesting blog posts.
Kathie, from KathiB's Miniatures for her fantastic miniatures, I absolutly love Marie Laveau's Creole Cottage.
Doreen, from the blog, Doreen's Miniature Projects, she has loads of great projects.
Taenia, from Taenia's Miniatures, go over to her blog and see the fabulous "Pleasantville" scene.
Casita Mini, for the amazing amount of information, links and tutorials on this blog.
Tonyina from, Can Tonyina Minis for her mouth watering mini food!
Ruth from the blog, Sweetbutnotsour's Creations, for her fun and fabulous Art Dolls.
I'll be back later to post a new video.
ItsyBella & Friends
ItsyBella & Friends, 1-inch miniature dolls by artist Cheri DeGruccio.
Video provided by:
Coraline's Miniature Knitter
Althea Crome, knitter of Coralines sweater and gloves, size xxs.
Video provided by: CoralineFilms
Sisterhood Award

The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post
The first 10 blog sisters I would like to pass this award on to:
Kellee of Kellee's Miniatures
Ana Rosa of Las Miniaturas de Ana
Donna of Never Enough Time
Cathy of The Fabulous Farmhouse
Yovanka of Art Dolls by Yvonanka Black
Tiffany of Mini Mischief
Minna of Minna's Doll World - Minnan nukkemaailma
Sophia of O Mundo de Zaphia
Mercedes of Liberty Biberty
Linda of Une Petite Folie
The next 10 blog sisters have already won this award so I don't expect them to re-post the award, just wanted them to know I appreciate them!
De of De~lightful Minis
Grace of TreeFeathers
Jayne of Tallulah~Belle Originals
Debbie of Tiny Treasures
Casey of Casey's Minis
Kim of It's a miniature life
Marsha of Sassy Mini Dolls Are Dolls With AttiTUDE!
Gina of More Minis @ Blogspot
Doreen of Doreen's Miniatures
And last but not least, Brenda.
Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle
Silent film star Colleen Moore was always fascinated by dolls and doll houses.....this is the "doll house" of her dreams!
Video provided by: Le Room Boxes di Ileana Ottini
Queen Mary's Dolls' House
Designed in 1924 by Sir Edwin Lutyens and displayed at Windsor Castle.
Video provided by: Le Room Boxes di Ileana Ottini
Miniatures Museum of Taiwan
The Miniatures Museum of Taiwan is the first museum to collect miniatures in Asia. Taiwan's museum is the first to specialize in contemporary miniatures and features two basic formats: "doll house" and room box with cut away views. It is ranked second in the world, boasting a collection of nearly 200 items. Founder Lin Wen-Ren and his wife are responsible for sourcing each item while travelling in Europe and the United States. The museum was founded on March 28, 1997 by Mr Lin Wen-ren and his wife. It is located in Taipei City, Taiwan.
Video provided by: YouTuber~ ilovetongren1
Fabulous Blog Award!
Thank You for the Fabulous Award! I was kindly given this award by, Kathie from KathieB's Minis, Karin from mini ramblings & musings, De, over at De~lightful Minis, and Brenda, from Brenda's Minitures! They all have Fabulous blogs too!
The rules state that I must list 5 things that I'm addicted to, and pass the award along to 5 blogs I admire, and they must do the same. There are so many great blogs out there it is hard to choose, So here goes, I could only come up with 15 blogs........
Five of my addictions:
1. Miniatures (that was a given)
2. Blogging
3. Coffee AND Pepsi
4. Red Vines Licorice
5. My Boston Terriers, Boomer & Bodhi
I would like to pass this award on to the following Fabulous blogs;
The Fabulous Farmhouse
Sasha's Mini World
Tiny Delights
Itty Bitty Things
George the Miniguy
Never Enough Time
Miniaturen by Helena
Uneek Musings
Silke´s Witches
J Lil Roomer