We can thank my husband for this giveaway. He bought me the DVD, Of Dolls & Murder and he mistakenly purchased the "2 DVD Special", which clearly states right at the top of the page, "Give the gift of murder and keep one for yourself!". Apparently my husband missed that. One lucky follower will reap the rewards of my hubby's mistake and receive the gift of murder (one unopened copy of- Of Dolls & Murder on DVD)!
The documentary film, Of Dolls and Murder, explores a collection of miniature crime scenes, known as the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death. Frances Glessner Lee created the Nutshells in the 1930's and 40's, to help train homicide detectives and, despite all the advances in forensics the Nutshells are still used today.
To enter the giveaway:
1: You must be a follower of this blog, Creating Dollhouse Miniatures.
2: You must leave a comment on this post to let me know your all time favorite video on this blog.
3: "Like" My Small Obsession on Facebook (completely on the honor system, because I trust and appreciate all of you!)
4: If you are the creator of a video/slideshow posted on this blog, please leave a second comment to let me know and you will be entered twice!
I will draw the name of the winner on Friday, March 9th 2012 and post the name of the winner on Saturday, March 10th, 2012!
Good luck, and thanks for a terrific 4 years!

I really love the enamel flowers video. I never thought of using wire and enamel paint like that.
And this is also very weird, but I love the "What I use to cut things" video. It really helped me out!
Felicitaciones por 4 años de éxito!
Un abrazo con agradecimiento
I Loved the Charles Renie Macintosh house :)
I'm a follower and my fav is the gingerbread house tutorial!
I am a follower
My all time favorite video is any of them about making canes. I can never figure out how to do it properly.
I like My small obsession on Facebook
I am the creator of the How to make a Dessert Stand video.
I like the Mini food tutorials, they inspired me to start making my own mini foods
Marisa :)
count me in please
I love all the Fimo food tutorials ♥
I'm a new follower, please enter my name in your superb giveaway! Thanks.
My favourtie video is the one for Dollhouse quilt tutorial (because that's the one that led me here :D )
I don't have a facebook, I'm sorry.
First...I don`t know what has happened, but I have been your follower for quite a while already. But I couldn`t find my Frogy-face within your Members, so I joined again :)
The Miniature Museum video was really gorgeous! Thank you for it! And I love your videos about all the cane tutotials. I have watched them many times and still don`t get them rignt.. Would like to try the Salami also one day.
This Dolls & Murder on DVD is fantastic! I would love to take part into this wonderful Giveaway of Yours, please count me in!
Please count me in! I'm torn between the video of the Macintosh House and the one where The Shopping Sherpa gives a tour of her mini modern collection...it's a tough decision!
I am enjoying your site and I was thinking of a video with a story involving my dollhouse, but I never would have thought of a murder!!
I've been enjoying your site and was thinking of a video involving my dollhouse, but I wouldn't have thought of a murder!!
Can you pick you own video? If you can then I pick The Heritage Curtain Call. Thanks for the word Revisited too, because Curtain Call brings up theatrical curtain calls on youtube.
@dipriccas~ You may choose whatever video you like, even if it's your own! :)
What a great giveaway!
I am a follower and love the tutorials that you post.
My all time favorite video is Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle, I have actually almost wore out my book looking at it LOL.
Ohh that would be a great dvd to be watching for us mini enthusiasts!!
My favorite vid on the site is the Pierce Dollhouse - as I managed to pick one up on ebay needing repair. I am here to view every new video, and often browse through to see what else I can learn from - love this blog - thank you! And congrats on 4 years :)
(And I follow you on fb too ;-) )
Felicidades por estos 4 años y esperamos disfrutar de tus videos muchos años más. Me gusto mucho el tutorial para hacer rosas con alambre. Un saludo, Eva
I'm new in the miniature wolrd, I'm doing my first house rignt now, i love all of the fimo tutorials!!
Nice Renie Macintosh.
xx Conny
Hi. The tips on cutting was very useful for me and I saved it for future reference, but the enamel flowers were just wow!
Please add me to the draw for the give away.
Hi there--
I have been looking forward to seeing this movie ever since you first announced it was being made. I read the book a number of years back and was fascinated by miniatures being used as a way to educate police in forensics.
I have watched many videos on how to make mini food, but I really enjoyed watching the xylophone video on your site. Thank you for making the giveaway possible! - Megan.
ya tienes seguidora nueva , me encanta tu blog
mis video preferido , cualquier tutorial de comida en miniatura
lo siento no tengo facebook
espero que me tengas en cuenta en el sorteo
un saludo
My most recent favorite is Carol's on how to make enamel flowers and leaves. I've tried it but need a LOT more practice!
I've been following for a long time. LOVE learning new things and I love your blog!
Please count me it for your give-a-way! These videos look like fun. :D
Thank you!
I love tutorials - especially video's that I can watch and see just how it is done! It's tough to pick a favorite but I think it would have to be the salami making one because I plan on using the salami in my Brimbles Mercantile! Will be using a lot of other video's too stock the shelves also! What a wonderful blog you have!
Please add me for the give away, and thank you to your husband for getting 2 of the video - lucky you, and lucky somebody else! Sounds like a great DVD - combining miniatures and murder mysteries - fantastic combination!!!
I'be been a follower for a while now, but I think Stacy Hoffman's video is my favorite. She makes creating those miniature flowers look so easy!
I "Like"d My Small Obsession on Facebook. Don't know why I haven't before now!
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