Easy Eye lash Tutorial for Miniature Dolls by DANA

Video provided by: Dana of MiniatureArt.com

Dollhouse Project ~ The Garfield

Video provided by:YouTuber~MsMiniLover

Dolls House by Doris

This hand made dolls house took 7 years to make.It has 2,700 hand cut bricks on the outside, these were cut from lino. Doris made the house and a lot of the furniture as well. She also made the dinner set, fruit, vegetables, brooms, stained glass windows, cushions, lounge suite, picket fence, outside wall plus loads of other things.

Video provided by: Youtuber~ adriennechild

Miniature Wood Turner's Workshop

Video provided by: sandiesminiworld

LITTLETON: Doll house collection

Video provided by: YouTuber~nwunit

Museum Quality Dollhouse in Sarasota, Florida

Twelve Room dollhouse with six fireplaces, antique dolls, filled with lots of unique items like Lenox swan, Goebel porcelain picture on metal easel, Heidi Ott baby doll, Ermey dollhouse couple, collectible toys. Has four floors to it with quality hardwood flooring, wainscoting, and plastered walls.

Video provided by: YouTuber~ Cincygal2

Beginning Painting 101 with Dana Marie Burton

Dana demonstrates painting a doll's eyes and lips with acrylic paints.

Video provided by: Dana of MiniatureArt.com

Greenleaf and Corona Concept Dollhouses by Deb Roberts

Video provided by: Deb's Minis

Miniature Antique Shop

Video provided by: YouTuber~ sanfesta

Sweeny Todd in Miniature

Video provided by: ooakdiddydolls

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